Monday, 23 April 2012

Drive-it-day Treasure Hunt

A brief report from Ken on the recent Drive-it-day Treasure Hunt event he organised, some of it may be tongue-in-cheek
Just a note to say thanks to everyone that braved the weather on sunday. 11 cars, 5 triumphs, 3 mx5s the rest modern cars, except chris fish in his smart car and ian in his tank. But we all had fun more, some than others (Martin). 

The run was won by Chris Fish and Pam, a close second place were the Armstrongs, beaten by one point (better luck next year). Andy Boyes took the booby prize but elected to give it away to Alan Clarke.

Matt assisted by Dan Armstrong gave up after the first few miles when they took the wrong turn and headed off towards Carlisle.

Deryick needs to wash his car now but I'm sure Margaret will give him a hand.

Mick and Julie did well not to run into any sheep and Brian and Pat needed to put the roof up so as not to get their hair out of place.

Will Richie Eagle ever get his core plugs sorted out in time for the summer.
Anyway thanks again.

Just an idea but if everyone puts next years run in their diaries, now they may be able to make it to the next drive it day. Only 364 days to go....... Ken

Well done to all those who attended. Especially well done to Brian A, for just failing to win again. Even more well done to Mr Fish who now has the priviledge (?) of doing the next one..... All the best Mark

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Treasure Hunt reminder

Hi Folks,

A reminder that The Falcus Treasure Hunt is this coming Sunday the 22nd April.

The start is from the car park at the South end of the bridge over the Tyne in Corbridge.

Be there for 10am, presumably a staggered start.

Take a camera as there are lots of photo opportunities on the way around, assuming you can find the right way.




ps Good luck Brian............